Lajna Imaillah Silsila 'Aliya Ahmadiyya
In 1914, Hadrat Mirza Bashir-ud-Din Mahmood Ahmad (May Allah be pleased with him) was elected the second successor to the Promised Messiah. He felt that a vigorous participation of Ahmadi women was as essential for the success of the Community as that of men, and started activating them for this purpose. In pursuance of this objective in 1922, he wrote a letter to some prominent ladies in the Community, detailing therein the role which Ahmadi women should play to make Islam go ahead. He called upon them to disseminate his views among their sisters, win their sympathies for his plans, and to form an Association to help the resurgence of Islam. This led to the establishment of Lajna Imaillah –maid servants of Allah

Flag of “Lajna Ima’illah”
Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama'at
Before the advent of the Holy Prophet(saw), the moral condition of the Arab world had declined to its lowest ebb and all kinds of immoralities abounded. The Holy Prophet(saw) transformed these peoplesin an unprecedented way, and his Companions presented great sacrifices for the sake of Islam, and in doing so, won the pleasure of God. However, with the passage of time, the high moral standards amongst the Muslims weakened, and a period of darkness revisited. Consequently, Allah raised Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad(as) of Qadian as the spiritual son of the Holy Prophet(saw) for the reformation of Islam, in exact accordance with the prophecies made by the Holy Prophet(saw) fourteen hundred or so years previously about the coming of a Messiah and Mahdi, who would appear in the latter ages to revive Islam from its period of darkness. In 1889, under Divine direction, the Promised Messiah(as) established a community of blessed and purified people – the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at (or community). Its followers made sacrifices like the Companions of the Holy Prophet(saw). Such sacrifices are still seen to be made by Ahmadi Muslims even today. Thus a golden era in Islam has once again been established.
Initially, there was no separate body in the community for women. Understanding the crucial role of women in Islam, and inspired by his second wife, Amatul Hayee Sahiba(ra), Hadhrat Mirza Bashir-ud-Din Mahmud Ahmad(ra), Khalifatul Masih II (Second Successor to the Promised Messiah(as)), founded a separate organisation (within the community), Lajna Ima’illah, solely for women. Hadhrat Amatul Hayee Sahiba(ra) was its first secretary. After her, this important office was assigned to the wife of Hadhrat Mirza Bashir-ud-Din Mahmud Ahmad(ra), Hadhrat Sarah Begum Sahiba(ra) and then to Hadhrat Sayeda Maryam Begum Sahiba(ra).
When Lajna Ima’illah was established, its members requested Hadhrat Nusrat Jehan Begum(ra), the Blessed wife of the Promised Messiah(as), to become its first president. It is likely that she presided over the first session, but during that very session she nominated Hadhrat Sayeda Mahmuda Begum Sahiba(ra) as president. Hadhrat Sayeda Mahmudah Begum Sahiba(ra) held that post until her death on 31st July, 1958. From August 1958, Hadhrat Maryam Sadiqah(ra) assumed this responsibility.
In an article by Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih II(ra) entitled, ‘To the Women of Qadian’, he wrote:
‘In order to fulfil the purpose of our creation the struggle by women is required and is as critical as by men. I think that women have not yet the understanding what Islam requires from us: how should we spend our lives, so that by gaining the pleasure of Allah we can get the blessings of Allah not only after our death but in this world as well. If we seriously examine this situation we realise that many women do not consider any other work worth doing, except their household duties.’
He further wrote that the attempts by the women of the enemies of Islam had spread false ideas in their children, which could only be countered by our own women. The certain way to inculcate the true spirit of Islam in children, he explained, was through their mother’s teaching and guiding them. Therefore, the progress of the community is dependent upon women. The childhood years are very impressionable ones. Therefore the reformation of women must be carried out by women. Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih II(ra) wrote that keeping in view these ideas:
‘I invite all those sisters, who agree with this concept and accept the need of the following objectives, to start working and inform me. These objectives are:
1. It is necessary that women start increasing their knowledge and spread this knowledge to other women.
2. The establishment of an organisation so that this work is continued.
3. The establishment of certain rules and regulations to run this organisation which must be obeyed by every member.
4. These rules should be according to the concept of Islam presented by the Ahmadiyya [Muslim] community and help in strengthening it.
5. Essays, written by the members of this organisation on different aspects of Islam related to current situations, should be read in conventions in order to master the use of that knowledge.
6. In order to increase knowledge this organisation should invite Islamic scholars whom it thinks proper to deliver lectures.
7. In order to maintain the unity of the community all proceedings of this organisation should be according to plans and schemes of the Khalifa of the time.
8. You should always struggle to increase the unity of the community, as the Holy Qur’an, the Holy Prophet(saw) and the Promised Messiah(as) have stated it as a duty of each and every Muslim, and you should always remain ready for any sacrifice for this purpose.
9. Always remain attentive for the reformation and development of your ethics and morality; cooperate with each other in this regard and think about ways and means for it and do not limit your attention towards food and clothing only.
10. Understand your responsibility of raising children. Make them active, vigilant and strong instead of ignorant of religion, frustrated and lazy; teach them whatever knowledge of religion you have; create love and obedience of God, the Holy Prophet(saw), the Promised Messiah(as) and the Khulafa; create in them zeal to spend their lives according to and for the sake of Islam; think about ways and means to do this work and act upon them.
11. When you work together, avoid the mistakes of each other and try to reform with patience and courage. Do not create disunity by expressing anger and frustration.
12. As every new project is ridiculed and mocked by people, therefore, it is necessary that you should not care about this ridicule and mockery and sisters should learn in advance to bear this individual or group mockery so that other sisters get attracted by seeing your example.
13. In order to strengthen this idea and to keep it continued forever, you should make like-minded sisters. This work can continue only when every sister who becomes member of this organisation should consider it her duty to make other sisters like-minded.
14. In order to safeguard this work, only those sisters shall be made members of this organisation who fully agree with its ideas and if someone, God forbid, does not agree anymore, shall leave without any resentment or shall be asked to leave.
15. As the community does not consist of any particular group, it is necessary that that there shall be no discrimination between the rich and poor. Rather, you should try to create love and equality among both the rich and the poor, and the feelings of arrogance and superiority should be eliminated from the hearts, because in spite of different levels, as a matter of fact all men are brothers and all women are sisters.
16. In order to serve Islam and to help our poor sisters and brothers, ways and means should be suggested and acted upon.
17. As all the help, and all the blessings, and all the successes come from God, it should be prayed for and requested [from] others to pray [for], “those objectives to be revealed to us” which He has kept in view in our creation. And in order to fulfil those objectives, provide us the best ways and means and enable us to use those ways and means in the best manner, and cause us to die in the best way; guide the next generations with His blessings and continue this work according to His will till the end of time.’ (Tarikh-i-Ahmadiyyat)
In the beginning, thirteen women from Qadian signed up to this movement which was voluntary only; later, however, all Ahmadi Muslim women were by default included as members in this organisation. At the instruction of Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih II(ra) these signatory women assembled on December 25th, 1922 at the house of Hadhrat Nusrat Jehan Begum(ra), wife of the Promised Messiah(as). After Zuhr (afternoon) prayer, Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih II(ra) made a short speech, and in this way the Lajna Ima`illah came into existence. After this session, detailed rules of Lajna Ima`illah were published in the magazine, Tadeeb-un-Nisa, which used to be published in Qadian under the editorship of Hadhrat Sheikh Ya‘qub ‘Ali ‘Irfani Sahib(ra). In this way the regular activities of the Lajna began.
As a result of the efforts of Sahibzadi Amatul Hamid Sahiba(ra), daughter of Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih II(ra), and the motivation of Sahibzadi Amatul Rashid Sahiba, Nasiratul Ahmadiyya was established in July, 1928. Nasiratul Ahmadiyya is a separate organisation (within the Ahmadiyya Muslim community) consisting solely of girls up to the age of 15 years, and is similarly dedicated to their moral upbringing, religious training, and social welfare.
In 1930 Lajna were granted the right of representation in Majlis Shura1. On 15 December, 1926 the publication of the Lajna magazine Misbah (literally meaning a ‘lamp’ or ‘lantern’ i.e. a guiding light) was started. It strengthened the discipline and training and activities of Ahmadi Muslim women. On March 17th, 1925, Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih II(ra), started Madrasatul Khawateen, a school for women, to spread religious education among women. Apart from Hadhrat Maulawi Sher Ali Sahib(ra), Hadhrat Syed Waliullah Shah Sahib(ra), Hadhrat Sufi Ghulam Muhammad Sahib(ra) and other scholars, including Hadhrat Mirza Bashir-ud-Din Mahmud Ahmad(ra), Khalaifatul Masih II, himself used to teach there. Hadhrat Maulawi Sher Ali Sahib(ra) was the administrator of the school. Its graduates included teachers and workers for women’s central offices and educational institutes.
تاریخ لجنہ اماء اللہ اس کے قیام کے اغراض و مقاصد
1914ء میں حضرت فضل عمر خلیفۃ المسیح الثانیؓ کا دور خلافت شروع ہوا۔ آپ نے عورتوں کی تعلیمی ضرورت، تربیت اور اصلاح کی کمی کو شدت سے محسوس کیا۔آپ ان کی صلاحیتوں اور قابلیتوں کو بیدار کرنے اور عظیم ذمہ داریوں کو ادا کرنے کے قابل بنانا چاہتے تھے۔ آپ کے دل میں شدید تڑپ تھی کہ عورتیں بھی دین کی عالمہ اور اپنی صنف کی راہ نما بنیں۔ اسی طرح ا پنی اور اپنی اولاد کی بہترین تربیت کرنے والی دینی و دنیوی ذمہ داریوں کو پوری طرح ادا کرنے والیاں ہوں جس کا اظہار آپ نے اپنی تقاریر،مضامین اور خطبات میں کیا۔ اپنے ایک مضمون میں آپ فرماتے ہیں کہ:
’’اس وقت مسلمانوں کی حالت کیوں خراب ہے وہ دن بدن دین کو کیوں چھوڑ رہے ہیں۔ اس لئے کہ وہ بچہ تھے تو ماؤں سے انہیں دین کی تعلیم نہیں ملی اور جب مدارس میں گئے تو پھرتو دہریت کی صدائیں کان میں آنے لگیں۔ ایسی صورت میں اگر ان کے دلوں میں غیرت دینی پیدا ہو تو کیونکر؟ حمایت اسلام کریں تو کس کے لئے۔۔۔۔ مرد عورتوں کی غلطی پر لٹھ لے کر ٹھوکر مارنے پر تیا رہو جاتے ہیں لیکن ان کی اصلاح کی فکر بالکل نہیں کرتے حالانکہ ان کی اصلاح کی ذمہ داری خدا نے ان پر رکھی تھی اور اب عورتوں کی گری ہوئی حالت اور نئی نسلوں کی دین سے بے تعلقی کے یہی ذمہ دار ہیں۔‘‘
(الفضل 19جون 1913ء صفحہ 11)
ان ہی جذبات کے پیش نظر آپ نے تنظیم لجنہ اماء اللہ کا قیام فرمایا۔ آپ کی حرم ثانی حضرت امتہ الحئی صاحبہ نے حضورؓ کی خدمت میں درخواست پیش کی کہ عورتوں کے لئے باقاعدہ ایک انجمن تشکیل دی جائے چنانچہ 25دسمبر 1922ء کو لجنہ اماء اللہ کا قیام عمل میں آیا۔ اس موقع پر آپ نے فرمایا:
’’دشمنان اسلام نے عورتوں کے ذریعہ بچوں میں اسلام کی نسبت جو بدگمانی پیداکی ہے اس کا توڑ احمدی عورتوں کے ذریعہ ہی عمل میں لایا جائے۔ہر احمدی عورت کی تربیت دینی و دنیوی رنگ میں اس طرح کی جائے کہ وہ اپنے بچوں کو اسلام کا سچا جانثار بنا دیں جو دنیا کے سامنے اس کے رخ روشن کو پیش کریں۔‘‘
چنانچہ اس سلسلہ میں حضور ؓ نے ایک معین لائحہ عمل بنا کر جماعت کی عورتوں کے سامنے پیش کیا۔ آپ نے انجمن کے مقاصد اور ان پر عمل کرنے کے طریق کار کی وضاحت فرمائی۔ خواتین احمدیہ کی فلاح و بہبود کے لئے آپ نے 17ضروری امور تجویز فرمائے۔ آپس میں محبت و شفقت، باہمی تعاون، علم و عمل میں ترقی، خواتین میں خود اعتمادی، روشن خیالی، وسعت قلبی، تعلیمی میدان میں دینی و دنیوی لحاظ سے ہر ممکن جدوجہد، تحریر و تقریر میں حصہ جماعتی کاموں میں دلچسپی اخلاق اور روحانیت کی اصلاح، بچوں میں خدا اور رسولﷺ، حضرت مسیح موعود علیہ السلام اور خلفاء کی محبت پیدا کرنا، خلافت کی اطاعت کا درس دینا اور سب سے اہم یہ دعا کرنا کہ ہمیں وہ مقاصد الہام ہوں جو ہماری پیدائش میں خالق حقیقی نے مدنظر رکھے ہیں۔ آخر میں آپ نے خواتین کو مخاطب کرکے فرمایا:’’اگر آپ ان خیالات سے متفق ہیں اور ان کے مطابق اور موافق قواعد پر جو بعد میں انجمن میں پیش کرکے پاس کئے جاویں گے عمل کرنے کو تیار ہوں تو مہربانی کرکے اس کاغذ پر دستخط کردیںبعد میں ان قواعد پر ہر ایک بہن سے علیحدہ علیحدہ دستخط لے کر اقرار و معاہدہ لئے جائیں گے‘‘۔یہ سکیم حضورؓ نے 15ستمبر1922ء کو مستورات کے سامنےپیش کی۔چنانچہ 14خواتین نے اس تحریک پر دستخط کئے۔ اس میں پہلا نام حضرت ام المؤمنینؓ کا تھا۔ حضورؓ کے ارشاد پر 25دسمبر 1922ء کو حضرت ام المومنینؓ کے گھر یہ چودہ ممبرات جمع ہوئیں۔ اس موقع پر حضرت مصلح موعودؓ نے بعد نماز ظہر اس انجمن کے قیام کے متعلق خطاب فرمایا اور اس انجمن کا نام لجنہ اماء اللہ تجویز فرمایا۔ لجنہ اماء اللہ کا پہلا اجلاس حضرت ام المومنینؓ کی زیر صدارت ہوا۔اس انجمن کی پہلی صدر حضرت سیدہ محمودہ بیگم صاحبہؓ حرم حضرت مصلح موعودؓ کو بنایا گیا اور سکریٹری حضرت سیدہ امتہ الحئی صاحبہ حرم دوم حضرت مصلح موعودؓ مقرر ہوئیں۔ ایک لمبا عرصہ تک ممبرات کی تعداد اتنی ہی رہی سوائے چند کی زیادتی کے اس وقت ممبری کے لئے کچھ سخت شرائط تھیں کچھ عرصہ بعد شرائط آسان کر دی گئیں اور رفتہ رفتہ اس کی تعداد میں اضافہ ہونے لگا۔1936ء میں سیدنا حضرت مصلح موعودؓ نے سب احمدی خواتین کے لئے اس تنظیم کا ممبر بننا لازمی قرار دے دیا۔ اب اللہ تعالیٰ کے فضل سے احمدی خواتین کی اس انجمن کو عالمگیر حیثیت حاصل ہے۔یہ تنظیم خلفاء احمدیت کی سرپرستی، راہ نمائی، حوصلہ افزائی اور دعاؤں کی بدولت ترقی کی راہ پر گامزن ہے۔
لجنہ اماء اللہ کو یہ سعادت حاصل ہے کہ حضرت سیدہ محمودہ بیگم ام ناصر صاحبہؓ 1922ء سے 1958ء تک چھتیس سال لجنہ کی صدر رہیں۔ پہلی سکریٹری حضرت سیدہ امتہ الحئی صاحبہ منتخب ہوئیں جو شاندار مثالی خدمات ادا کرتے ہوئے 1924ء میں وفات پاگئیں۔ ان کے بعد حضرت مریم صدیقہ صاحبہ چھوٹی آپا سکریٹری منتخب ہوئیں۔ آپ نے سترہ سال اس عہدہ پر خدمت کی۔ 1958ء میں حضرت سیدہ محمودہ بیگم صاحبہؓ کی وفات کے بعد آپ کو صدر لجنہ منتخب کیا گیا۔ آپ نے تا حیات 1997ء تک غیر معمولی خوبیوں اور قابلیت کے ساتھ صدر لجنہ کے فرائض ادا کئے۔ تقسیم ملک کے بعد 1953ء سے حضرت سیدہ امتہ القدوس بیگم صاحبہ بیگم حضرت صاحبزادہ مرزاوسیم احمد صاحب مرحوم ومغفور صدر لجنہ اماء اللہ بھارت منتخب ہوئیں۔ 1953ء سے 1999ء تقریباً 46سال آپ نے صدر لجنہ اماء اللہ بھارت کے عہدہ پر رہ کر بے لوث خدمات سر انجام دیں۔ ہمیں رشک ہے ان چند ابتدائی معززو محترم خواتین پر جن کے ہاتھوں اس عظیم الشان تنظیم کی داغ بیل پڑی اور رشک ہے ان معزز خواتین پر جنہوں نے ابتداء میں نامساعد حالات میں دن رات وقف کرکے اس تنظیم کی آبیاری کی تا کہ اسلام کا یہ پودا ہمیشہ سرسبز رہے۔ ہم ان معزز خواتین کو خراج تحسین پیش کرتے ہیں۔
Financial Sacrifices Made by Early Members of Lajna Ima’illah
Whenever the Promised Messiah(as) and his successors (the Khulafa) started a scheme, women always participated. It is of note that the Blessed wife of the Promised Messiah(as), Hadhrat Nusrat Jehan(ra), was invariably at the top of the list of contributors. Mosques, hospitality and preaching centres, Lajna Ima`illah projects, Minaratul Masih (the white Minaret in Qadian), the Tahrik Jadid scheme and the publication of Al-Fazl, nearly every project started with the help of her donation.
The very first financial sacrifice demanded from women by Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih II(ra), concerned the construction of a mosque in Berlin. Hadhrat Nusrat Jehan(ra) had recently received 500 rupees from a property when Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih II(ra) announced this project. She donated the whole amount immediately. Hadhrat Syyeda Nawwaab Mubarakah Begum Sahiba(ra), one of the daughters of the Promised Messiah(as), donated 1000 Rupees. Nawwaab Amatul Hafeez Begum Sahiba(ra), wife of Hadhrat Mirza Sharif Ahmad Sahib(ra), and Hadhrat Umm-e-Dawood Sahiba(ra) also fully contributed in this project. Hadhrat Syyeda Mahmudah Begum Sahiba(ra), received an amount from Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih II(ra), one half of which she paid as Wasiyyat and the other half she donated for this project. Hadhrat Maryum Begum(ra) donated her necklace and Hadhrat Amatul Hayee Sahiba(ra) donated 100 Rupees.
When Hadhrat Mirza Bashir-ud-Din Mahmud Ahmad(ra) started this project, he particularly addressed the women of Qadian and said:
“If poor women of Qadian show their religious zeal and courage then the women from outside shall be motivated. But if you show reluctance and weakness then the outside effect shall also be very less.”
After this address of Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih II(ra) the women of Qadian showed such zeal, sacrifice and devotion that, beside the pledges, 8500 rupees were collected on the very same day. We must remember that the majority of people living in Qadian were poor. But those poor women presented whatever they had in the way of Allah.
One example was an old widow who presented two rupees to Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih II(ra). He mentioned her sacrifice in one of his articles as follows:
‘A pathan woman, who is very poor and who had to migrate to Qadian from her area to avoid the cruelties of stinging-bee natured maulvis, and could hardly walk with the help of a stick donated rs.2/-. Her language is Pushto and she can speak only a few words of Urdu. She stated in her broken-language by touching each of her clothes that this dupatta [a head covering] belongs to office; this pajama belongs to office; this shirt belongs to office; my Qur’an belongs to office; meaning that I have nothing. Everything has been received from Bait-ul-Maal [treasury]. Each and every word she was saying was working as a sharp knife on my heart but at the same time my heart was filled with thanks and gratefulness for the Benevolent God Who has created such alive and strong souls in a dead nation.’
Another widow who was raising several orphaned children had no money or jewellery to donate. Instead she donated utensils of her daily use. A Punjabi widow, who had nothing but her jewellery, donated it for the mosque, and another migrant woman had only two goats, both of which she donated.